T&Cs / Policies

HFSS Code Summary

The HFSS code came into effect from September 2013.
The Code will define children as under 18 yr olds.
Children’s programmes are programmes where over 50% of the audience is under 18 years.

Children’s Commercial Communications are communications for products, services, or activities which are deemed to be of particular interest to children or are broadcast in children’s programmes.

In relation to HFSS products a) they can’t advertise in children’s programmes b) cannot use Licensed Characters (Characters from films, videos etc) c) cannot make nutritional claims and, d) cannot use promotional offers. In line with all Children’s Commercial Communications for food and drink, HFSS products and services cannot use celebrities or sports stars.

With regard to Retailer advertising and the inclusion of HFSS products within a basket of goods, if a HFSS product or products are considered to be predominant within a Retailer’s commercial then a restriction from airing during young children’s programming (i.e. TRTÉ) will be applied to the copy.

The UK Nutritional Modelling will be used to determine whether products are HFSS. Companies will have to provide certification to broadcasters as to the scoring (submitted to adclearance@rte.ie) . If they do not provide this, the broadcaster must restrict the advertising from such programmes. Any substantiation for claims made in the advertising must accompany these submissions. Hard/cheddar cheeses are likely to be exempt.

The existing rules whereby children’s commercial communications for Confectionery, carbonated soft drinks and fast foods must carry the existing messages.

“ Snacking on sugary food and drinks can damage teeth” Or “Should be eaten in moderation and as part of a balanced diet”

Broadcaster must restrict the amount of time and number of advertising for HFSS products to 25% of overall time and to 25% of total spots across the broadcast day.

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