Display Advertising Opportunities on RTÉ.ie Games: Word Eile & Sudoku


Introducing Premium Display Advertising Opportunities on RTÉ.ie Games: Wordeile & Sudoku

Get your brand in front of a highly engaged audience with display advertising on two of our most popular new games.

Why Advertise on Wordeile & Sudoku?

High Engagement
Players spend several minutes solving puzzles, providing extended exposure to your ads.
Diverse Demographics
Appeals to all age groups, from casual players to daily puzzle enthusiasts.
Frequent Visits
Loyal users return daily to play and compete.
Brand Safe Environment
RTÉ.ie ensures premium content that reflects positively on your brand.


Exclusive Game Sponsorship

Your brand featured prominently as the exclusive sponsor of Wordle or Sudoku

Sponsorship Fee

Per game for a 6-month sponsorship


Run-of-Site Rates Plus Targeting Option

CPM Rates plus 15% Loading for Games

For more information please contact:

Alex Murray Digital Trading Executive
087 628 8876 alex.murray@rte.ie