10 minutes with…Debbie Kennedy

Debbie Kennedy works in RTÉ Media Sales as Head of Trading. Her role is to oversee the media deals which RTÉ has with media agencies and clients which deliver 95% of RTÉ's commercial funding across all AV, radio, digital and print platforms.
The best piece of advice I was ever given…I'm a big fan of practical advice which has now been rebranded as 'life hacks' - how to clean a fridge, fold laundry, pack a suitcase, etc. |
How often do you turn off your phone completely?At the moment I'm not answering my phone as I'm receiving a lot of calls from exotic countries that I have no connection with. I'm quite happy to call everyone else back. |
The one electronic device I couldn’t live without is…Is a TV an electronic device? I like to be informed and I like to relax, and TV does both. Apart from that I'm not pushed. |
When did you start working at RTÉ?July 1999 - I can't believe it myself. |
The most rewarding part of my job is…Doing my utmost to deliver the revenue that RTÉ badly needs to make content for Irish people. |
What was your first job?Washing dishes in a restaurant in Courtown, Co. Wexford. I was 14 and delighted with myself. |
Digital detox - yay or nay?Totally |
What's your favourite app?Mytaxi. |
My go-to work wardrobe is...Whatever is clean and presentable in the morning. I'll caveat that however by saying that I'm a big fan of Zara and & Other Stories |
Do you have a hero?Diogenes the Cynic - he would believe that it is extremely foolish to have heroes as you are inviting the inevitable disappointment. |
What do you do to relax?Cook and walk the dog - nothing else required. |
What's the most overused word in your industry?Innovation. |
What's the last TV programme you watched?The News last night - it's compulsory viewing at the moment... unfortunately. |
What's your next big project?I've just finished an MBA so no more big projects for a while. |
What's the last Radio show you listened to?I alternate between Morning Ireland, Newstalk and Dublin City FM Traffic. |
Do you make New Year's Resolutions?No. |
What's the last book you read?Hannah Arendt - 'Between Past and Future'. I'm fascinated by ideas and history. And yes, I am extremely boring on these subjects at dinner tables or whenever there's wine involved. |
How do you define success?I don't know if I can define it in general as I think it depends on our individual perspectives and drives. For me finding the right balance in my life is important to be fulfilled and happy. This would be my key success metric. |